Lately, I've been thinking that graduate students and professors should consider overhauling their image. Right now, we're too scary and lend ourselves, all to understandably, to being portayed in the movies as villains and sexual perverts. Although we don't have it as rough as the Albinos, our image could definitely use a little softening. Let's take the term academic, for example. Much too serious. We might think about emphasizing our cartoonish absurdism and go instead with Acadamiac. Or, we might lean more on our silly eccentricity and maybe a bit on our susceptibility for attending conferences in more tropical climes, opting instead for 'Acadamia nut.' There, now isn't that better.
It's time for Acadamiacs, and we're brainy to the max...
What movies are you watching where the English Lit professors are the villains? Cause I got to check that out.
Yeah, cause there's Wonder Boys, but he's not so much a villain as Michael Douglas playing a jackass.
I will say, however, that I think you've just come up with the next soccer team name.
Hmm... so that explains the baloney in your slacks? ;)
Just saw an episode of law and order where the french literature professor has a record that "reads like the history of sex crime." Not hooked, I swear.
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