Livie is getting pretty used to being the hunted. She’s developing street smarts and is beginning to understand how the territories are drawn. She now knows that she’s okay as long as she doesn’t mew, move near Billie or faster than a snail. Only the possibility of food can make her venture out into the red zone. Last night, for example, while I was reading about the Irish Civil War (a similar historical event), I noticed Livie sneaking stealthfully up behind Billie – how the tables do turn! But still, I wondered, what has gotten into her? Jen piped up and hit the nail on the head, “I think Billie’s about to cough something up.” And upchuck she did. Now you may think that cat vomit hardly sounds appetizing, but to Livie, it is a rare delicacy. And since puking makes Billie miserable, she didn’t have the energy to fight Livie off herself. We had to chase her away several times while cleaning up the stain. One cat’s trash is another cat’s treasure.
Here's Billie standing guard outside the bedroom. Stay tuned for pictures of Hawaii.
Wow... I can't believe I almost forgot the hairball episode. I'm not very good at keeping my snorting laughter quiet in my little cubicle.
Even though that last part completely grossed me out, Kevin, I found myself telling Dan about it while we were on a walk yesterday. And it's not really all that disgusting, but it reminded me of a David Sedaris story about his brother, who trained one of his dogs to eat his other dog's crap. (And that, I think, is actually totally disgusting.)
Yes, that's very disgusting, but it's also convenient. A fact I am simply pointing out. I am not, by any means, implying that we trained Livie to dispose of Billie's hairballs for us.
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