Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Infomercial Maniac

Though this will be a short post, I thought it about time that I wrote something. My apologies for the hiatus. This holiday break was truly a vacation. I decided to put all chores and responsibilities aside, and somehow, though the blog is neither of these, it got put aside too. Anyhow, there are a number of new loves in my life.

First of all, there is the diet that I mentioned in the last post. For Christmas, I asked my parents for a diet book about balancing blood sugar, what I'm sure was first on everybody's Santa list. Now, I know what you're thinking: Kevin! You're a stick figure for God's sake, what can you possibly gain by shedding pounds. Honestly, the diet isn't for weight, but about eating healthier. Since I came to graduate school, I watched the well-balanced diet fed to me on my mother's kitchen table slowly regress into frozen pizzas, hefty bowls of pasta, and junk-food cereal. I've also become addicted to foods that are not only unhealthy, but just not right. Like liverworst and salami, which I had been eating in white-bread sandwiches every day at lunch for weeks. And I really had to ask myself why I often felt like the living dead. So anyway, my new diet is a little fascist, but the high level of nutrition and the balancing of my blood sugar has done wonders for my mood. The nice part is that things I've always loved but never thought to eat are now everyday snack food. Such as: berries, pumpkin seeds, hummus, cottage cheese, plain yogurt. Yes, I like plain yogurt - especially if it's organic. It reminds me of the dairy products in England. I'm also off caffeine, though I'm not sure how long that will last - and down to three alcoholic beverages a week, more or less. These last two probably explain why the blog has fallen into such a state of disrepair. Because I know we all get jacked or liquored up to blog. With almost no sin whatsoever, I've had to settle with being hooked up to an herbal tea IV. Jen personally likes the seed part of the diet. Not for the taste, but because she finds it pretty. In order to get my EFAs (essential fatty acids - you know, the omegas), I keep flax, pumkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds mixed together in a sealed container. Through the clear container it makes for a lovely medley of shapes and colors. Every morning I grind this potpourri and mix it into my oatmeal, yogurt or whatever. Surprisingly, it's very flavorful. All in all, the diet is really just high protein sans red meat with mounds, and I'm talking big green mounds, of vegetables.

One other new thing. I have a sunrise alarm clock now that I wake up to in the morning. It's lovely. It connects to my lamp and turns it on over a period of 30 minutes.

Now that I'm writing all of this down, I think I've realized what happened over break. I've become something of an infomercial maniac. Seriously, all of these products I've mentioned are the kind of thing they advertise at two in the morning.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Well, it sounds like the diet is going very well, which is awesome. It sounds like the sort of thing I should have been following more strictly for the last nine months....