Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Innocent, I tell you!

When Jen returned home from New York last week, I could have done a better job of breaking the news about the sudden crash of her hard drive. After raising her worst fears with my solemn, “Jen, I’ve got bad news,” I then told her what happened with the omission of one essential detail: that I had last used her computer to watch an episode of Stargate on one of those less than legit websites. To make matters worse, I was pretty sure that I had left the explorer window open for at least 24 hours, plenty of time for a virus to get in and take over her system. It wasn’t until the next day, as I sat next to Jen, who was listening to the chunk-chunk-chunk of her deceased drive that my confessional nature brought out the other half of the story. Funny how any delay in admitting fault can secure without a doubt your guilt in the matter. In desperate self-defense, I argued that hard drives are hardware and there is no way that a virus could cause it to make that pathetic clanking noise. As it so happened, Jen’s co-workers further got me off the hook by completely denying that my recklessness could have had anything at all to do with it – though this may have been out of male solidarity, and if so, it proves the adamantine strength of the bond since it was with men I have never even met. Cutting to the chase, my sole purpose for writing this post is simply to announce to the world: I have been wrongfully accused and am aghast that I was ever doubted!


Taryn said...

Although that's an impressively impassioned plea, Kevin, I have to say that I'd still be immediately persuaded by whatever Jen had to say about the matter.

And not out of any sort of female solidarity, but because she's Jen.

Anonymous said...

The real question: was the episode of Stargate any good?

kevin said...

Now that you mention it. No. It was the worst episode of stargate I've ever seen. Not at all worth the sacrifice of a hard drive... not that I had anything to do with it.

haleakala said...

yeah, an excuse for both of you to bring her PC to Maui so Matt can fix it !

kevin said...

Does he do house calls? Maybe this an excuse for you to come freeze your butts off in Madison.

nenny said...

Hi Ka'iulani!