Thursday, September 20, 2007


In its full-grown splendor, my hair can be somewhat unruly at times. And some mornings I just can't be bothered to wet, gel, and separate my mess of curls only to then wait the half-hour for them to dry. Now I have observed that many other lazy hair-doers out there have turned to the bandanna for a temporary fix - and quite a few of them do so to passable effect. Could I be one of these lucky few?

In making up my mind, I've been wondering the following.

Do I look like...

a. Lucille Ball
b. a miserable failure of an hombre (uh, hello, esse)
c. a parody of Jen (it is her bandanna after all)
d. a douche bag
e. all of the above
d. other


nenny said...

Oh, Kevin. I'd have to go with C. Consciously or not, you're doing my thing where I'll say, 'do I look ok?', and then I make a face that will cement the answer 'No!', 100% of the time. Nevertheless, I kind of like it.

Dubs said...

I'm gonna have to go with Lucille Ball. You look like you're getting ready to do a hard day of housework (picture 1), then try your damnedest to sneak into Ricky's show again (picture 2).

Seriously. If you go out like that in public, you'll have some serious 'splanin to do.

Anonymous said...

wow. other.

Anonymous said...

You look like a certain PhD student, say one year ahead of us, who had a fitness revelation after his Master's year and who would then come to campus and teach in his ratty gym clothes.

At least, that's the association evoked in my mind.

Taryn said...

Kevin, I think you've just about made up for all those times (ALL THOSE TIMES) you didn't post anything for weeks with this post. I didn't think you could top the bike helmet hair, but this is awesome.

Anonymous said...

How about "Loveable Douchebag"?

Thom said...

why oh why didn't you wear that to the coffee shop?