Monday, September 17, 2007

If you saw a man die of "gaming exhaustion" in an internet cafe, would you leave or continue playing?

Chinese man dies from 3 day gaming binge


nenny said...

I totally forwarded that article to the guys at work today!

nenny said...

And to answer your question, I'd be one of the frightened bunch running out of there.

Spinning Ninny said...

i'd definitely leave. :)

kevin said...

Ah ha! Sara! You must delight in making me scan your blog for clues about your true identity. It wasn't easy considering that in most pictures your face is carefully hidden behind some homespun item of clothing.

nenny said...

You forgot the 'h' in Sarah ;)

kevin said...

hmmmm... I'm not sure how I feel about all of these smiling and winking emoticons on my blog. :[