Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The virgins, they keep calling me

I don't know if you already know this, but my new phone is a virgin mobile. And like any relatively inexpensive phone service they like to flood me with company promotions in the form of text messages. Unfortunately, the tiny screen can only contain about three words. So I have a whole inbox full of messages "from a virgin," and a pretty desperate one at that.


Taryn said...

One more reason to leave those bastards at Verizon.

kevin said...

Ha! Yes, the promise of many virgins can bring one to do almost anything.

Keiki Sodaro said...

gettinG excited about the big day? i'm counting down for you. i have you'll have a person designated to taking photos that you can email out to all of us who weren't able to attend!!!!!

kevin said...

We do actually. One of Jen's family members will be our unofficial photographer. Maybe we can get a shot of us eating pizza in our wedding clothes.