Monday, April 07, 2008

A New Low?

A few weeks ago I was talking with a friend about the degrading things we've been asked to do in different jobs. Like: having to wear sandwich boards, singing for tips, soaking the coffee stains out of someone's clothes as they wear them, being asked to turn around so customers can read the punchline on the back of your shirt. Office space may have said it best with its jokes about "flair." But today I think I have found a new low. How low have you had to go?


Taryn said...

It wasn't a terrible job since it paid really well, but when I was a perfume spritzer ("fragrance model" as they're called), it basically felt like I was prostituting myself for Calvin Klein. You know, approaching random men walking by and asking them if they're interested in a new cologne.... And really, in some sense, there's no way to compensate a person for going home every night and reeking of ck one.

Gwen said...

Hmmm ... I'm sure there are other things, but right now I can only think of the time an older female regular stuck my tip in the back pocket of my jeans (um, that was startling) and the time a creepy middle-aged male regular tried to give me a hug because it was a holiday. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

If you're ever low, just use a set of stairs to reach a high, or in this case, an escalator temporarily out of order...

"I like an escalator because an escalator can never break, it can only become stairs. There would never be an escalator temporarily out of order sign, only an escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience" (Mitch Hedberg, 2005).
