Sunday, December 28, 2008

A few reactions to the Wii

It's strange to say that my back is sore after a few bouts of boxing with the wife.

Jen is a much better boxer than I am.

I find it a little freakish how closely my parents resemble their "mii" characters.

Bowling would be a better sport if it were more like wii bowling.

As it turns out, my mother is a champion bowler.

Sadly, my parents' wii didn't have the cow racing game in which cows can run and even jump over other cows.

Never knew my parents to flail wildly knocking things off bookshelves before.

The Japanese are genius.

I want a wii right now damn it.


Taryn said...

The first time I played Wii tennis, I swear I hurt my elbow. Still, it's awesome and we're hoping to acquire one eventually.

And yes, the Japanese are geniuses. Mad geniuses, perhaps, but geniuses nonetheless.

Happy New Year to both of you!

kevin said...

You have tennis elbow? You played tennis?

I think they need a name for wii injuries like "wii elbow" or "wiithritus."

Happy New Year to you and the hub as well t!