Sunday, November 15, 2009

The reality of the job market: you find yourself drawn to the simple, happy things. Seriously, the other day I was watching Glee and my eyes nearly welled up with tears of joy. There's also the fact that I can't stop singing neighties* music in the car and the shower. Also, blankets. Because being swaddled helps too.

*A neologism I coined to express my nostalgia for music from the eighties and nineties.


Taryn said...

I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that this continues in some form after the job market - though I suppose it's less intense.

Hang in there.

blessedmama said...

So, I just discovered you and like reading about nothing. Are you coming back?

kevin said...

Hi Blessed Mama, thanks for the support. I do have big plans to write more frequently. Let's hope they pan out.