Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Boy, does a month and a half go by fast. Sorry about the delay. Those last, dissapointed comments knocked me back to my senses like that flick in the nuts in 40 Year Old Virgin. Stay tuned for a post all about the silly fascist diet that I just recently went on.


Anonymous said...

what would a non-fascist diet look like? would it work?

nenny said...

I think the no-carb diet was non-fascist. "Here's a cheeseburger. We knew you weren't in it for the bun anyway, so just don't eat that part."

Taryn said...

Kevin, you're such a tease! Where's the post?

nenny said...

You didn't know? Blogs are just full of glucose. He's not allowed to post anymore.

Taryn said...

Jen, right now I have the biggest crush on you.

Anonymous said...

Once again, this blog is teetering on the edge.