Friday, February 01, 2008

exactly what I need...

I feel like jotting down a list right now of all the things in the world that I've ever longed for. And at the very, tippety top of that list, just before "joy" or "world peace," I would reserve a special place for that one thing that would put a big fat maraschino cherry on top of my ice cream sundae of a day. And do you know what that specialest of special things would be? Let me tell you. All I've ever wanted is for some truck, piled high with jackhammers, electric drills, sledge-hammers, and saws, to pull up outside my window and for the men inside that truck to get out and to start pounding and buzzing and rat-tat-tatting away at the foundations of the building in which I'm doing everything in my power to stay focused on a set of not-very-riveting freshman papers. Yeah, if that were to happen, everything would be much better.


nenny said...

Whoa. What are they working on?

kevin said...

I don't know. I can't see. But it sounds like they're just having a go at the building.

Taryn said...

Are you sure it wasn't just some dudes from the Good 'N Loud?

nenny said...

Actually, the latest offending business is not GnL, but the Acupuncture place. Live drums at 10:00 pm, when I was under the impression that they aimed to soothe the nerves. Maybe they're trolling for new customers.

kevin said...

I'm pretty sure it wasn't G&L or the drums. Unless the little performance Jen is speaking of included electric drilling.

The drum circle in the acupuncture place was highly unusual. When I went down to complain, there were a lot of teenage girls standing around with drums and headdresses. And the snobbish-looking lady in charge of it all was wearing a pink boa. Wtf.